
The stronger lineedit

I haven't update my blog for a long time.One reason is I am waiting impatiently for the time when Qt 4.7 release to rewrite qDou(qDou is programmed with Qt 4.6,at that time Qml is on the way.In the latter days,it changes a lot. here,QML on the Road to Release).Meanwhile I finished my under graduation last month.It's days of fun and good feelings and memories.There are the days when I stay up for the world cup and so amazing about spanish team work and Paul (The Octopus )'performance.The other Reason is looking forward to doing something useful software on the desktop,Just like Krunner or omnibox


Give all you need to the LineEdit,let it give you answers.
such as what's the weather like in chengdu?

but the first things I need to consider in programming is the result ranking
two factors for the result ranking
1.DateTime.the later the Matching words putted in the historyList,the more frontly will be it shows.
2.Frequence.the More times that you queryed for a same word ,The more frontly ........

btw,I really indebted to Arora(is opensource webkit based browser)'writer for his work.With his clear contributed code, it makes me benefit from it,especially how to re-construct QCompleter supporting filter and sorting with matching algorithm in post-facto.Actually what attracted me most in Arora's feature is Adblock.Althought it's not perfect,it's a really interesting way to block ads.


Dismantle my old laptop

It has been considered for a long time that I decided to dismantle my old laptop once Again----Acer TravelMate 3270 which is my first laptop.To be honest, it's good too,especially keyboard design and soft feel experience.It stays with me for 4 years at university,Programming,game(nba ,pes),.film,music,These are days of fun and good feeling and memories. Although previous failure make me vacillating,I am going to make my laptop stop making a loud fan noise,I can't take it anymore really.That's another reason why I have to buy a powerful laptop.The only thing I can make it recovery is dismantling it.

Searching something useful on google and eventually take me about 2h to make it.Brilliant!!
Just like someone says "keep your attention on the here and now,your efforts will pay graet divdends." That's right.
now I can't hear anything about the insistent jangles and slip into the blissful dreamland.


My new laptop

It's a mobile workstation:Dell Precision M4400,But for me it's just a laptop.At the beginning of this month,I was going to buy a N900 which I was eager to get for such a long time.after waiting for about 2 months,I suppose it's still a little expensive.evaluating all of choices,I have come to realize a new powerful laptop maybe fit for me rather than a Maemo mobile phone.Of course,It's mush more expensive,But it's more useful for ones who want to get deep into the linux like me.So I change my mind and take 1 week to pick my new laptop online.think think twice.......,Maybe,although it's almost 4 times expensive than N900.........But,It's worth it and I will not say goodbye to my old friend TrevelMate 3270.It's great too.
Tomorrow I will go back to school for my graduation project.How time flies.
Take care.


Using HMAC-SHA1 in qOAuth on Symbian

In the wake of qDou 0.2.5 release,I am working on Deploying qDou on Sybmain recently,But I am sorry about.........;-( I must admit I am a rookie on Symbian,irrespective Of  playing with Symbiam Os phone,or Development on Symbian Os.To take trial instance how scornful I was when using a 3250,I thought that it was just phone with colorful push buttons that can make happy noise and it was just a practical tools for accessing family,friends and business associats (maybe in the future,Because I am an undergraduate still now ).Upon a careful study these days,I learn a lot on Symbian development,really,Or at least To a rookie.When I look back,I just feel funny.So I change my mind.Symbian is Strong.
Back to the topic,becouse qDou release depends on qOAuth and oAuth request using the HMAC-SHA1 signature method.
On the Windows or linux,In order to do that
the following steps are
1. build OpenSSL 0.9.6+
2. build qca-2.0.0
3. build the qca plugin for OpenSSL (the Capabilities of qca-ossl contains HMAC_SHA1)?
4. build qOAuth
But on the Symbian,as a result of different platform,you will have a lot of work to do.
even though you achieved,Maybe It doesn't work at last and you will get into trouble when deploy your apps on Symbian.em.........There is a easy way,Look this.
How to generate oauth signature using HMAC-SHA1 in Symbian C++
Follow These Tips .
we just need to do little stuff
1.add macro Q_OS_SYMBIAN to remove anything about QCA from *.cpp or *.h in qOAuth when Precompiled
2.generating your own random number method to replace the following codes
QCA::InitializationVector iv( 16 );
QByteArray nonce = iv.toByteArray().toHex();
3.add these lines in function:createSignature
#ifdnef Q_OS_SYMBIAN

CSHA1* sha=CSHA1::NewL();
TBuf8<100> keyVal;
keyVal.Copy(_L8(QByteArray(consumerSecret + "&" + tokenSecret).constData()));
CHMAC* hmac=CHMAC::NewL(keyVal,sha);
TBuf8<1024> baseString;
TPtrC8 hashedSig(hmac->Hash(baseString));
TImCodecB64 b64enc;
HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewL(hashedSig.Length() * 2);
TBuf8<512> result;
    delete hmac;
digest = QByteArray::fromRawData((char*)result.Ptr(),result.Length());
It's very easy right?
hope this is useful for thoses like me who want to use qOauth on Symbian
see you.


Video about visual text comparison

After releasing qDou 0.1.2,I think it's time to stop to have a test and prepare to do lots of stuff with
Qt on Webkit.I am looking forward to it for a long time,although qDou is not deployed on Symbian or Maemo yet.But there is a long way to go.
Make a video about visual text comparison while I am Recoding qDou's video.The demo takes me 3 days to finish it.Data visual looks like beautiful.The day before yesterday I went to Qt lab Blog and found some interesting things for developer to do some work on Data visual and games.The library is Box2D.I believe Box2D + Qt's Graphics View application will be fantastic Visually.
As matter of visual text comparison ,I suppose that there are a lot of room to imporve.Till now It can be only used on English word segment.Maybe in the future It can support other language such as Chinese and add some new features.......
Time Flys.Go ahead and do what you like.See you.


qDou 0.1.2 Released

after one week ,I update qDou'source and Released qDou 0.1.2.
qDou 0.1.2 provide some bug fixes,optimization and new features which you can view comments about
movie,music or book and even publish your comments about your favourite.
More info about qDou 0.1.2.


qDou 0.1.0 Released

I can't wait to say that qDou 0.1.0 is Released.You can download here. With powerful GraphicsView and smooth, beauty of Qml,qDou would't let you down.Before first time you play with qDou,you need to register douban's accout and apply for an APIKEY.More Information,you can find here.Please test and give feedback to me in the gruop.
By the way,I will talk about Deploying an application on Windows,especially your app with plugins.
First of all,you can follow the step By the document.Two easy ways to make plugins work out.you can choose anyone of them below .
1.put document named plugins which contains all you need plugins for you app in your applicationDirPath and In main.cpp you add a custom path using QApplication::addLibraryPath like this:
2.Using qt.conf
After you deploy your app on Windows with these methods above and your app still failed with loading plugins,It's not your fault.What you need is vcredist_x86.exe.Install it and the problems would be solved.In fact,Qt document refer to the point.
here is the video about qDou ,enjoy.


QDou is not far away

Happy chinese new year.For my part,There is one more important thing I can tell you: what tedious days of study ,thought ,practice,experience ,went to the equipment of I who was able to impose upon all of you that QDou is not far away.
Meanwhile,I decided to buy N900 for testing.I can't wait to release QDou,But there is some small problems to consider them.Just give me sometime. :-)
                                          photoview of QDou


When Qt for Window meets Qt for Symbian

Today,I install Qt libraries for Symbian again in my computer which has been installed Qt libraries for Windows.Of course,the version(4.6.1) is higher than last time. It reminds me of trouble that happened in the previous time.I just remember it’s a summer of last year.The situation is that every time I build the Symbian apps,the compiler displays a error that can't find bld.inf  and *.mmp .I google it and ask many people how to solve the problem.Later I find that the reason why miss there two important files is that compiler does not generate them.And How to.I didn’t know.So last time,I failed.But today,I make it.Look here,If the environment variable QMAKESPEC sets symbian-abld.It will be ok.It turns out that Qt for Symbian use symbian-abld not the value I set for Qt libraries for windows.
Like aamer4yu says:
"I dont know if you will read this post.. but just wanted to thank you a lot.. a ton of thanks..
I was not able to build qt projects for symbian...and was searching for a solution for almost a month"
A month to aamer4yu,half a year for me.
Why am I interested in Qt for Symbian suddenly?
The answer is QDou. :-)


QDou is on the way

I am home for about 1 month, after home, I am going to finish my graduate design: Qdou(Douban client on Symbian).This time I will use Declarative UI to finish it.With this Computer language,you can build the animation rich, fluid user interfaces,such as iphone.But........I am familiar with Qt rather than ECMAScript(QML is an extension to ECMAScript,So is javascript).at the beginning,It's a little difficult for me.Fortunately, there is a document about QML provided by Qt.after viewing document,you will find gradually that it's more convenient in some respects,like automatic property bindings and network transparency.This is what I need.Just like qt engineer says,even if you do not know how to use Qt, you can also program a pretty apps with Qml.Of course,qt would not let us down on extending.Because QML is fully extensible from C++.It's absolutely fantastic property for me. I have completed coding parts of qDou on the pc.From now on,maybe I will speed up.
                 seach ATB's album                                                                             Trilogy(detail)


Html view With New QWebElement In Qt 4.6

Take a rest and I look at the "What's New in Qt 4.6"in"Qt Reference Documentation"
and find a new class QWebElement.I feel html view can use a another way to generate the tag node.
Four months age, I make it with QtNetwork and html parser (with QtNetwork to Get page source and Html parser to parse It),I need to code a Html parser because of  no Qwebelement that Time.In this way,Although fast, Coding a html parser is not easy.
And Now, Using QWebElement in Webkit, It's very convenient, although Getting Page source with Qtwebkit will spend longer, it's easier.Just for fun.
the source of  html view is Here.
By the way,QDou is on the way.


Video about Html view

I'm home for graduate design Now. Initially, I choosen a subject on the search engines, but later I found that the subject has been already selected by another student, and accidentally I discovered a cell phone related. At this time, Qt 4.6 just released. The next generation of control: Declarative UI can be used on the phone. The subject is "douban mobile phone client",  douban is a Chinese social network site, you can learn about a lot of books, movies, music, or the latest activities in your city. Of course, you can make friends, write diary. surprised.I named my client as "QDou",I think I can take advantage of opportunity to buy a new phone.Maybe 5800 or N97 because of  them for s60v5.
Take a short break and recorded a video about the html view,enjoy.