
Video about visual text comparison

After releasing qDou 0.1.2,I think it's time to stop to have a test and prepare to do lots of stuff with
Qt on Webkit.I am looking forward to it for a long time,although qDou is not deployed on Symbian or Maemo yet.But there is a long way to go.
Make a video about visual text comparison while I am Recoding qDou's video.The demo takes me 3 days to finish it.Data visual looks like beautiful.The day before yesterday I went to Qt lab Blog and found some interesting things for developer to do some work on Data visual and games.The library is Box2D.I believe Box2D + Qt's Graphics View application will be fantastic Visually.
As matter of visual text comparison ,I suppose that there are a lot of room to imporve.Till now It can be only used on English word segment.Maybe in the future It can support other language such as Chinese and add some new features.......
Time Flys.Go ahead and do what you like.See you.

